Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Doesn't it seem like once someone in your house gets sick thats's over... no one will be well again for a long time... no matter how much you clean and lysol and bleach... that sickness will linger in your house until summertime and you open all the windows and somehow it blows out.... yeah.... well ... that's our house.... this time its me... but i'm sure by the weekend it will be someone else.... it has been gary almost all season.... madison has had a cold here and there... ben has unbelievably been well... knock on wood... but today i feel like ass.... of course life goes on when i'm sick.... i'm the only one apparently that has to continue with daily life when my asshole is on fire.... oh the joys of being a mom.... i'm ready for summer!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had to wipe with baby wipes.... and then it got to the point where I just stopped wiping. would just sit there for hours, then hop in the shower.
