Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rough Days

well, the day before yesterday... was sunday... time change day... had to have been the slowest freaking day ever.... madison was sick as a dog... she puked her little guts out in the highchair once and in the car once... and shit herself silly all day...it was the longest day of my whole life i think.... sheesh...at least she is feeling better....
the cat seems to be getting better too... he's just depressed walking around with his cone.... few more weeks
score..i just found an atomic fire ball in ben's halloween candy!

my friend found out friday she probably can't have any more kids... she's pretty upset about ... and her boyfriend cried... she's been having a lot of issues... and now her precancerous cells have gone all crazy.... she might have to have a partial hysterectomy... that sucks... but she's had a tubal ligation already... she never wanted more kids... but now the boyfriend does want them... so she was thinking about reversing it...i dunno...i don't want more kids... but i don't want to take away that option quite yet... i'm thankful all of my girl stuff still seems to be in good condition...

i got a new address card from my dad and stepmom the other day... funny they didn't have time to send me or their granddaughter even a birthday card.. but i got a card with their new address and phone number on it.... i can't believe they up and moved into a condo either.... after living in a house for 12 years... who wants to move in and rent a condo... ew.... but they say they are happy.... i just think its wierd.... i don't even know where they live!! guess its a good thing they didn't move into that condo when i was looking for them in 03....
signed up for new classes today... signed up for 4 but i will probably drop one.... i dunno yet... trying to get this shit done!
i think i'll write more later.... i can't concentrate right now....


  1. OMG! I've been fighting my urge to talk about the time change... but it has really upset my internal balance!!! My old ass is ready for bed at 9pm.... i'm fighting to stay awake... except for tonight... I'm up and there is no time i'll be falling asleep soon!

  2. i have insane insomnia... so i don't usually go to bed until after 2... and get up at 7 .... it's getting better... i used to be up until 3 or later...
